In humans, fungal infections occur when an invading fungus takes over an area of the body and is too much for the immune system to handle. Fungi can live in the air, soil, water, and plants. There are also some fungi that live naturally in the human body. Like many microbes, there are helpful fungi and harmful fungi. When harmful fungi invade the body, they can be difficult to kill, as they can survive in the environment and re-infect the person trying to get better.
The symptoms of a fungal infection will depend on the type, but common symptoms include the following: skin changes – including red and possibly cracking or peeling skin, itching.
Fungi reproduce by releasing spores that can be picked up by direct contact or even inhaled. That’s why fungal infections are most likely to affect your skin, nails, or lungs. Fungi can also penetrate your skin, affect your organs, and cause a body-wide systemic infection.
Some common types of fungal infection include:
- athlete’s foot
- jock itch
- ringworm
- yeast infection
- onychomycosis, or a fungal infection of the nail
Treatment of fungal infections begins with seeking regular medical care. Regular medical care allows dermatologist to assess your risks of developing fungal infections and promptly order diagnostic testing for fungal infections and underlying conditions as needed. These measures greatly increase the chances of diagnosing and treating underlying causes of fungal infections in their earliest stages.